There will be no school for the rest of the week due to illness. Wednesday and Friday will be NTI Days. Please post all assignments no later than 10:00 each day. Thursday will be a regular no school day. Lunch will be served each day free of charge for all children 18 and under from 11:00-12:30 at Johnson Central High School.
almost 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools
School Closing
A pair of tennis shoes were found at Flat Gap after a basketball game that may belong to a Porter Elementary Student. If you think your child has lost a pair of Nike tennis shoes please contact Erin Caudill in the Family Resource Center.
almost 5 years ago, Erin Caudill
Porter Elementary celebrates the 100th day of school with some "Glorious" dance moves . #LivinThePantherLife #Eagle4Life #LeaderinMe
almost 5 years ago, Selena Cochran
100th Day of School Monday, January 27th
almost 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Parents, Guardians, and Community Members, please take a few minutes to complete the FRYSCy public policy survey. This survey provides key information to our state representatives and assists the Family Resource and Youth Service Center in keeping and increasing our funding to provide supports to our children and families.
almost 5 years ago, Erin Caudill
Due to school cancellation Family Game Night on Friday is cancelled.
almost 5 years ago, Erin Caudill
Johnson County Schools Closed January 23rd & 24th NTI Day 3 January 23rd Subscribe to Superintendent Cochran's YouTube Channel for Future Announcements!
almost 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Johnson County Schools
Join us for Family Game Night this Friday!
almost 5 years ago, Erin Caudill
game night
January is National Board Member Appreciation Month. Johnson County Schools would like to recognize and thank each JC Board Member. Thank you, Mr. William Fraley, for your hard work and dedication! #Eagle4Life
almost 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools
District 2
Reminder: No School In Johnson County Monday, January 20, 2020- it is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Be safe and stay warm! We look forward to returning to school on Tuesday! #Eagle4Life #JCEaglePride
almost 5 years ago, Thom Cochran
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Hall of Fame Game Change - Johnson Central will now be hosting Rose Hill in the annual Hall of Fame contest. Tonight’s game will begin at 8 pm. Come out and support our Golden Eagles!!!
almost 5 years ago, Thom Cochran
If your child needs a bed and you would like to apply for Build-a-Bed project please request an application from the Resource Center at 789-3181 or stop by the FRC and pick up an application.
almost 5 years ago, Erin Caudill
Bed Do you need a pep talk? Get pumped up and inspired as you hear what these students have to say! #LivinThePantherLife #Eagle4Life #TheLeaderinMe
almost 5 years ago, Selena Cochran
We are Panthers
Friday, Jan. 17th will be a Porter Day! Please have students wear a Porter shirt tomorrow. Thanks! #LivinThePantherLife
almost 5 years ago, Heather Butcher
Join us for our Grandparent and Relatives Raising Children Support Group. Lunch will be served. It's a great way to stay on top of current issues our children face. It's open to anyone raising a child that's not biologically their own (Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, Fostercare, etc)
almost 5 years ago, Erin Caudill
Grandparent Support Group
We had some cuties from the Student Lighthouse Team kick-off our Teachers Meeting this evening. They did a fun Booster Shot to get the meeting rolling! #LivinThePantherLife #LeaderInMe
almost 5 years ago, Heather Butcher
Superintendent Cochran's Thrillshare Post of the Week goes to Mrs. Rebecca Caudill and Porter Elementary. Amazing work Mrs. Caudill & PES STEAM! #Eagle4Life
almost 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Superintendent Cochran's Monday Message Habit 1: Be Proactive
almost 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Monday Message
Check out these amazing Automotive Engineers designing, testing, and solving problems in Porter STEAM Lab!!! #LivinThePantherLife #Eagle4Life #jcsteam19 #JCEaglePride
about 5 years ago, Rebecca Caudill
Automotive test run
Designing and Building Cars!
Performing Tune-ups
Racing down the ramp!
Check out our newest boxtops contest! And remember to get credit for scanning your receipts as well!!! So far this year Porter Elementary has earned $252 in boxtops!!! Lets keep on earning for our school!!!
about 5 years ago, Erin Caudill