Bright Spot Stories

Happy Mother’s Day from Mrs. Adkins’ class!

Mrs. Bevins class would like to wish their moms a Happy Mother’s Day!

Mrs. Montgomery's kindergarten class has had a fun filled past few weeks! Easter activities, ABC countdown, Derby Day, and Mother's Day have been some of our highlights. Check out our latest video! https://youtu.be/0nbGDS1ss7E

3rd grade students at Highland Elementary used the literal meanings of Idioms to create some fabulous costumes and challenged their friends to guess which phrase they represented.

We love our school nurse!

We LOVE our Lunchroom Crew!!!

Mrs. Ramey’s students had a blast playing Deal or No Deal Math Edition. Homerooms walked away with prizes such as pajama day, movie day, and popsicles!

In the words of our oldest Wildcats “You’re never too cool to finger paint, especially for your grandma!” Happy Mother’s Day from our 6th grade students!!!

Grades 3-6 will be participating in state assessments beginning on Monday, May 9th. Please make sure students arrive on time each day and schedule any necessary appointments in the afternoon.

Thankful for our Highland Wildcat Family!

Our 6th grade students want to wish Ms. Denise the best at her new job! She will be so missed!

Johnson County Board of Education and Superintendent Thom Cochran recognized and congratulated Pamela Goble on her retirement during the monthly board meeting.

Next week is Test-Prep Spirit Week!! Join in on the fun!!

I am so thankful for these ladies! Mr. Patrick and I couldn't do our jobs without them!! You are LOVED!

Second grade students at Highland Elementary had a blessing box built with the help of Ron Marrow and collected food to fill it for those in need.

Highland's UNITE member Claudette Fairchild was invited to attend the Rx Summit in Atlanta, Georgia. Mrs. Fairchild had the opportunity to attend sessions by guest speakers such as Congressman Hal Rogers.

The students in Mrs. Bevins class celebrated Earth Day today. They learned about ways to keep the Earth clean.

Mrs. Montgomery's class has started their ABC Countdown to the end of the school year! Letter A was bring your favorite stuffed animal day! We had lots of stuffies join us 😊

6th grade students got to participate in an Anything but a Backpack Day for great iReady participation!