Summer School Begins May 31st for Registered Students Elementary Students from Central, Highland, Porter & W.R. Castle Location: Central Elementary Arrival: 8:00-8:30 Dismissal: 12:00
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Blevins-Salyer
FYI: Thursday, May 26 Awards for K-2nd grade will begin at 8:30 am. Awards for 3rd - 6th grade will begin at 10:00 am. Parents are welcome to attend, we look forward to celebrating the last day of school!
almost 3 years ago, Kathleen Burchett
This message is for parents of 4th-6th grade students: Tomorrow we have an activity day scheduled and we have partnered with Paintsville Tourism to provide an opportunity for our students to climb their rock wall. Students will be harnessed in and an adult climber will also be harnessed in for the climb in case any issues arise. If you give permission for your student to participate in the activity, please write a note similar to what is pictured on our live feed. Students will not be allowed to climb without permission. Thank you.
almost 3 years ago, HES
Norton Healthcare presented a program to 4th and 5th grade students at Highland. The students had a chance to to learn about the brain and how the brain/ body responds during possible signs of a stroke.
almost 3 years ago, Claudette Fairchild
Boys and Girls Basketball Camp Combined Registration Form
almost 3 years ago, Johnson County School District
Basketball Camp
HES 4th graders created commercials, product packaging, and posters to advertise their “new” words after reading the book, “Frindle.” They were just as creative as Nick, the main character who also made up a new word!
almost 3 years ago, Heather Estep
more projects
Late notice….We do want to invite parents to the gymnastics show at Highland Elementary at 9:00am and to the variety show at 12:45 today.
almost 3 years ago, HES
Third grade was awarded a trip to the SIPP Cinema to watch the Aladdin production presented by JCHS Players. This reward was given because of their outstanding lunchroom behavior. Way to go third grade!
almost 3 years ago, Marcia Bayes
Fun at the SIPP!
Fourth graders would like to thank their kindergarten and first grade testing buddies! Testing buddies wrote encouraging notes to a fourth grader each day of KSA testing. To return the favor, fourth graders visited their classrooms!
almost 3 years ago, Melanie Ramey
It was a great day to be a 6th grader! Gattiland did not disappoint!
almost 3 years ago, Shana Green
Second grade students in Mrs. Adkins‘ class enjoyed camping day.
almost 3 years ago, Megan Adkins
Second grade students reading on camping day
Second grade students eating s’more‘s on camping day
Second grade students in their tents on camping day
Second grade students on camping day
Happy Retirement to our custodian Jimmy! The 6th grade class was honored to throw you a retirement party! Thank you for all of your years of hard work at Highland. You will certainly be missed!
almost 3 years ago, Shana Green
6th grade had a blast making their tie dye shirts to wear for the students vs. teachers dodgeball game!
almost 3 years ago, Shana Green
Bright Spot Story
almost 3 years ago, Raina May
Mrs. Montgomery's kindergarten students continued their ABC Countdown to Summer last week! Letters N to R were checked off the list.
almost 3 years ago, Holly Montgomery
Queen and King Day
A 2021 KVEC Learning Innovation Grant recipient, Mrs. Ramey completed the @modernclassproj Virtual Summer Institute and implemented a self-paced, mastery-based, blended learning model. Click on the link to hear about her students’ experiences!
almost 3 years ago, Melanie Ramey
Second grade students presented their Biography projects. They did amazing!
almost 3 years ago, Megan Adkins
Second grade students
3rd graders from Mrs. Adams’ and Mrs. Bayes’ class are beginning the count down to summer break. They enjoyed being creative with sidewalk chalk and cooling off on a warm day with popsicles.
almost 3 years ago, Marcia Bayes
The final count down!!!
The final count down!!!
The final count down!!!
The final count down!!!
Any student that will be entering 6th-8th grade for the 2022-2023 school year and is interested in trying out for the JCMS Dance Team, please fill out the attached Google Form.
almost 3 years ago, HES
* SBDM Parent nominations must be submitted by 5/16/22. Forms are in the front office. * SBDM Parent Election will be from 7:30 am - 4:00pm in the front office of Highland Elementary school on 5/18/22.
almost 3 years ago, HES