Jaxton Marshall returned to Little Light Academy as an alumni guest reader. Way to be a leader!

Johnson County Schools will be on a 1-hour delay. Tuesday, March 14, 2023.

Download the JC app and stay informed of all events at Highland Elementary.

The Welcome Wagon Team hosted a "Donut Drive-Up" this past week.

Mrs. Adkins' class enjoyed our ice cream party Friday for leveling up in the Wildcat Lunchroom Belt Competition.

Mrs Bolden's third grade students practice using pronouns in IXL.

Time for fluency checks in reading! #readingskills #settinggoals

Mrs. Adkins second grade students are practicing measurement while growing a flower garden. #handson # math

Remember every Friday is Black & Gold day!

Mrs. Green's class enjoyed using Brain Pop to review solid shapes!

Mrs. Bevins class has enjoyed learning about inventors this week in reading. Today as we read our leveled readers we used whisper phones. They had a great time!

Love seeing our Wildcats transition to the middle school!! Go Eagles!!!!

Career Day

Book Character Day was so much fun!

Mrs. Estep's language arts classes have been researching the life of Theodor Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss! 📝

Mrs. Bevins class celebrated Dr. Seuss today!

Students in Mrs. Adkins' class enjoyed listening to books being read by Mr. Bob Hutchinson and Mrs. Shauna Patton.

Mrs. Green's class created flip books after learning facts about Dr. Seuss!

Head Start/Preschool Enrollment information

Johnson Co. Public Library March Calendar