Mrs. Bevins room had a visit from the Easter Bunny today.

Fundraiser Pick ups!

Fun Friday was a great day in Mrs. Bevins class! The students got to create rainbows out of different foods They also created 2d and 3d shapes out of toothpicks and marshmallows. What a great way to end a fabulous week of learning!

Jarred Gibson shared information about the Verizon Innovative Learning STEM Camp available to out 5th and 6th grade students this summer.

Our primary students were treated to "Timber Tales" program today.

Mr. Ousley's third grade students are working hard with fractions on number lines.

When you're asked to match some of your students's tones, you say yes without hesitation!

Mrs. Adkins' class had a great time trying to catch a leprechaun this week and made a delicious pot of gold treat.

Mrs. Green's class completed a live Nearpod to prepare for their end of week math quiz on arrays!

Mrs Conner's third grade students are learning about the basic needs of organisms in an ecosystem.

2nd grade students would like to thank 6th graders for helping them reach their AR goals!

Highland Elementary would like to recognize our latest National Board Certified teacher, Mrs. Brogan Hall. We are so proud of you!

Second grade students participated in a fun hands-on lesson about 2-D shapes today with Ms. Courtney.

Mrs. Bevins class had an awesome time trying to catch a leprechaun today. Despite our best efforts with amazing traps, he got away. The kids had a great time designing and setting their traps. They are already thinking up plans for next year.

Highland's 6th Grade UNITE Club showing off their club t-shirts.

Grace Nelson recently presented a lesson to 3rd-6th grade students at Highland Elementary dealing with dental hygiene. Mrs. Nelson has presented a wide variety of health related lessons throughout the year.

Latham in Mrs. Green's class was proud of his new high score on Reflex Math!

Today, Mrs. Adkins' second grade class celebrated passing 100 iReady lessons by having a purple party.

Mrs. Bevins class celebrated Digital Learning Day with lots of fun activities today. We played inference jeopardy, worked on our grammar, practiced phonics skills, and worked on our fact fluency and shapes. It was a great day!!!

Kindergarten Orientation 2023-2024
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