Mrs. Adkins' class created an edible model of a physical map with landforms and bodies of water.

6th Graders decorated the hallway this week in anticipation of Read Across America Week! They demonstrated leadership skills and teamwork to make our hallway look fabulous.

Mrs. Bevins class did a directed drawing and painted to get ready for Read Across America next week.

Mrs. Green's class did a great job creating landforms out of modeling clay! We saw islands, deserts, and even some valleys!

Highland Wildcats are celebrating Read Across America!

Mrs. Adams class helped Mrs. Bevins class learn how to research and write papers. The students researched their president to learn more about them. A big shoutout to sixth grade for being such wonderful helpers!

Picture Day for Mrs. Bevins class
I am so proud of everyone of them for showing kindness. They all made sure no one was left out in having a friend to take a picture with. ❤️

As part of our Argumentative Research Unit, 6th grade students are diving into texts about plastic pollution in our oceans.

Fun with 4-H in Mrs. Adams's class.

Second grade students enjoyed some competition while reviewing for their math assessment!

Second grade students had fun creating models of landforms today.

Middle School Softball and Cal Ripken info!

Due to rising water and the forecast of more rain, elementary will be released at 12:30, and the middle/high will release at 1:00. There will be no after-school care, LIFT, or practice.

Due to rising water and the forecast of more rain, elementary will be released at 12:30, and the middle/high will release at 1:00.

Students in Mrs. Adkins' class created compliment bags and enjoyed ice cream sundaes.

Mrs. Estep's class celebrated Valentine's Day early with kindness hearts and ice cream sundaes! 💕

Mrs Adkins does a phenomenal job engaging her second grade students in morning "Word Work."

Staff Fun Friday's are the BEST!!

Leah Hall spent her LiveSchool points to become Queen for the day. She enjoyed a meal from her favorite fast food restaurant, moved to the front of the line, visited classrooms and much more. Queen Leah we hope you enjoyed your day!

Valentine dance tomorrow!