Johnson County School District's partnership with Paul B Hall will continue through the school closure. Our clinic at Johnson Central High School will be open to Johnson County students, staff, and their families. The nurse can provide Telehealth treatment and services in conjunction with a Physician’s Assistant or a Nurse Practitioner. Please call 789-8895 for further detail and instruction.​​
almost 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Today Cincinnati Zoo will bee introducing kids to Rico. Follow the link at 3:00 pm.
almost 5 years ago, Latonya Rowe
Join Mo Williams, author of Elephant and Piggie books, for a daily art doodle lesson at 1:00 pm.
almost 5 years ago, Latonya Rowe
NTI Day of Learning!
Join the Cincinnati Zoo each day at 3:00 pm as they feature an animal.
almost 5 years ago, Latonya Rowe
NTI Day of Learning!
Join James Dean for story time March 17th at 12:00 pm.
almost 5 years ago, Latonya Rowe
NTI Day of Learning!
NTI Day 9 Steam Activities for 3rd - 6th has been posted. Be sure to record your work on the flipgrid.
almost 5 years ago, Latonya Rowe
NTI Day 9 Steam activities are posted. Be sure your child records their work on the flipgrid.
almost 5 years ago, Latonya Rowe
The JC Tech Team will post all updates on the attached Google Slide Deck.  This will help reduce the number of emails you receive.  Today there have been numerous approved technology programs added to Clever.  Please check the attached link daily for updates concerning NTI and approved software applications. We now have full access to programs such as Flocabulary &Newsela! JC Educators please spread the word about these exciting new resources!
almost 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools
NTI Day 9 Tuesday, March 17th #JCNTI20
almost 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools
JC Highland Elementary 4th Graders send Virtual Visits to Riverview Healthcare when visitation is temporarily suspended in response to COVID-19. Click the link the watch their first visit!
almost 5 years ago, Melanie Ramey
Brain breaks are important for your child to stay focused during learning. Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind while your child is home completing assignments. #handsonlearning #stayingfocused #wildcatway
almost 5 years ago, Latonya Rowe
Digital Learning!
Today is a wonderful day to learn about zoo animals. Cincinnati Zoo will be hosting a live stream at 3:00 pm March 16th. Kids will meet the famous hippo, Fiona. I have included a link to engaging activities for kids geared around zoo animals. Also, check the Highland Facebook page daily as I will be posting times for live streaming activities with local guest speakers. Students can still be engaged through digital learning!
almost 5 years ago, Latonya Rowe
Digital learning!
Johnson County School District's partnership with Paul B Hall will continue through the school closure. Our clinic at Johnson Central High School will be open to Johnson County students, staff, and their families. The nurse can provide Telehealth treatment and services in conjunction with a Physician’s Assistant. Please call 789-8895 for further detail and instruction.​​
almost 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Nearpod is offering live and on-demand webinars from edtech innovators. These webinars provide innovative ideas and strategies to use in your virtual and regular classrooms. Use the attached link to access these resources.
almost 5 years ago, JCS ProLearn
A huge thanks to Mrs. Casey Salyers for creating an informational video titled, "How to Make the Most of Your NTI Days! @KcSalyers always creating innovative lessons for @JC_Schools students and sharing valuable resources.
almost 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Reminder for our meal program, times and locations. Please feel free to contact your Family Resource and Youth Service Centers or school staff of you have any questions.
almost 5 years ago, Kathleen Burchett
JC Schools-School Cancellation Message 3/13/2020
almost 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Johnson County School Closure Informative Letter 3/13/2020
almost 5 years ago, Mike Whitaker
Superintendent Cochran, will be going live on YouTube @12:00 for a school closure announcement and further information. Be certain to subscribe for future updates.
almost 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Johnson County Schools will be in session Friday, March 13th! It is very important that your child attend school if he/she is not sick! All students will receive important information concerning the next few weeks!
almost 5 years ago, Johnson County Schools