ATTENTION FIRST GRADE PARENTS: Join tonight’s Google meet by logging onto Google Classroom using your child’s Clever badge. The link will be posted in Google classroom.
over 4 years ago, Leanna Bolden
Attention 4th graders! It’s here! Click on the link to view.
over 4 years ago, Melanie Ramey
Johnson County School District Parent/Guardian Resource Guide
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Mrs. Heather Butcher discuss going back to school with Rachelle Burchett and changes due to Covid-19.
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Mrs. Heather Butcher discuss going back to school with Rachelle Burchett and changes due to Covid-19.
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Going back to school looks different this year and 4th grade teacher Heather Williams Estep shares her story of preparing for the new year!
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
We are partnering with Big Sandy Community and Technical College Workforce Solutions to provide support and information about the upcoming school year in Johnson County.
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
We are partnering with Big Sandy Community and Technical College Workforce Solutions to provide support and information about the upcoming school year in Johnson County.
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
We are partnering with Big Sandy Community and Technical College Workforce Solutions to provide support and information about the upcoming school year in Johnson County.
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
We are partnering with Big Sandy Community and Technical College Workforce Solutions to provide support and information about the upcoming school year in Johnson County.
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Fourth grade teachers were so happy to meet some of our students! We can’t wait to meet the rest of them on Thursday. 💙
over 4 years ago, Melanie Ramey
Second Grade Supply List
over 4 years ago, Megan Adkins
2nd grade orientation
2nd grade supply list
3rd Grade Supply List 2020-2021
over 4 years ago, Marcia Bayes
3rd Grade Supply List 2020-2021
Mrs. Montgomery and Ms. Ousley spent the day prepping for this year's group of Highland kindergarteners. All of the kids will have their own folder full of goodies to use through Click and Soar. 😊
over 4 years ago, Holly Montgomery
Welcome back to school wildcats! We will be having drive-thru pickups next week. You will receive a welcome folder and Chromebook. Please bring $20 for the Chromebook insurance fee. Your child will have the opportunity to meet his/her teachers without even leaving the vehicle. Check out the dates, times, and locations below for your child’s grade level. In your welcome folder, you will find lots of important information including an invitation to a Back to School Orientation on Google Meet. You must have the link on the invitation to join. Times and dates are listed below. Finally, you should receive a phone call from your child’s homeroom teacher some time this week. If you do not receive a call, please contact our office Monday, August 24th. We understand this is an unusual way to begin a school year, but together we can succeed. When life gives us lemons, we’ll make lemonade!
over 4 years ago, Brenton Dials
We are excited to finally meet our first grade students. Remote meetings are scheduled for all first grade classes. A link to the google meet will be distributed to parents during chrome book and tool kit pick up. We look forward to connecting with each of you. Save the date!
over 4 years ago, Latonya Rowe
Meet and Greet Time
School start day is quickly approaching. Time to buy those supplies!
over 4 years ago, Latonya Rowe
Time to buy supplies!
Based on recommendation for all K-12 public schools by Governor Beshear, Johnson County School District will delay face to face instruction until at least September 28th. More details and information will be released soon.
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Check out Ms. Kelli Ratliff's Bitmoji Google Classroom. Ms. Ratliff is working hard to provide her students the very best equitable education possible! If you are a JC Educator looking to learn more contact Ms. Ratliff!
over 4 years ago, JC Tech Team
Johnson County Educators working hard to meaningfully incorporate blended learning strategies into instruction to engage students in learning. #kyinnov8 #KYDLC
over 4 years ago, Lisa Blevins-Salyer