Happy Thanksgiving from Second graders at Highland Elementary! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e4yj06wMeQSAzqV5tMAe61KxLYSXLmHi/view?usp=drivesdk
over 4 years ago, Megan Adkins
First Graders held a virtual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. https://animoto.com/play/CscO8HW9t3L3EpTal5iiLw
over 4 years ago, Latonya Rowe
Balloons over Broadway
Happy Thanksgiving from Highland Elementary Third Graders! https://animoto.com/play/zPh6CNmFyFJkEXX5iMFxyg
over 4 years ago, Jessica Adams
Happy Thanksgiving from Highland Elementary 4th graders! We have so much to be thankful for! Click the link & enjoy! https://drive.google.com/file/d/17LOY2s9PBz1puVLyoh3xrWHMWiPBBf9c/view?usp=drivesdk
over 4 years ago, Heather Estep
Happy Thanksgiving!
Highland Elementary Kindergarten explores the Thanksgiving Story and creates traps to catch a turkey! Happy Thanksgiving from all of us. https://youtu.be/WSXSGKDVpI8
over 4 years ago, Tracy Ousley
Turkey Trap
Johnson County School District lunchroom and transportation staff have been working hard all morning preparing thanksgiving meals for delivery. Make sure to get your meal today and give thanks to those involved!
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
JC Schools Announcement and Important Dates 11/19/20 https://youtu.be/6CKjarPX-AA
over 4 years ago, Thom Cochran
Important Dates
This is a reminder that Johnson County Schools will not be in session November 23 through November 27 for Thanksgiving break! School will resume on Monday November 30th! The feeding program will not be available during Thanksgiving week for delivery or pickup. Hope everyone has a safe and happy break!
over 4 years ago, Highland Wildcats
Ms. Crace, student teacher, teaches 4th grade students to multiply using partial products. After learning to use area models to multiply, students are now modeling their partial products with equations. Way to go 4th graders and Ms. Crace!
over 4 years ago, Melanie Ramey
Mr. Bob Hutchison was elected to the Kentucky School Board Association (KSBA). Congratulations, Mr. Hutchison!
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Johnson County School District celebrates American Education Week. American Education Week celebrates public education and recognizes individuals who make a difference in ensuring that every student receives a high-quality education.
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Johnson County School District is proud of the learner-centered work occurring daily districtwide. JC celebrates by showcasing our outstanding students and educators! https://wke.lt/w/s/VmbDgf
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Kindergarten loves Fun Friday https://youtu.be/XGjFuA2JWNM
over 4 years ago, Tracy Ousley
Turkey Face
over 4 years ago, Megan Adkins
Johnson County Schools will be operating on the “Red” schedule next week (11/16-11/20). All students will be completing school in JC Click-&-Soar remote learning. Stay safe, continue to learn, and thank you for your continued support!
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
Red week 11/16 through 11/20
Location of Services
over 4 years ago, Latonya Rowe
Veterans Day
A message of thanks to our veterans from Highland Elementary 4th-6th grade students https://animoto.com/play/S0wRDeiILnUT00wCEEZZkA
over 4 years ago, Claudette Fairchild
A message of thanks to our veterans from Highland Elementary 5th & 6th grade students. Highland UNITE 2020-2021 https://youtu.be/t4Hjrna6cHQ
over 4 years ago, Claudette Fairchild
Johnson County Middle School Honors Veterans https://bit.ly/32DoqXo
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools
The Johnson County School District would like to thank all veterans for your honor, courage, patriotism, and sacrifice. Happy Veterans Day!
over 4 years ago, Johnson County Schools