#MLKDay @MLKDay @Americorps
Highland UNITE has organized a coat drive with the slogan " Put a Coat in the Tote" everyone in the community is encouraged to drop off new or gently used coats at Highland Elementary School between 9am and 3pm.

Highland Elementary's 4th-6th UNITE celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day by telling their dreams for their community.

Look out world first graders are ready to begin their career!

Mrs. Ramey's fourth grade students are using area models to divide and interpreting remainders. Students are using mental math strategies and partial quotients to solve.

Johnson County Public Library Event Calendar
January 2021

Merry Christmas from Highland Elementary Second Graders!

Santa Claus visits first grade meet! He read their letters and answered lots of questions about the North Pole, reindeer and the elves. He assured them he was prepared for his visit and wished them all a Merry Christmas!

Don’t forget to drop off your items for the Mountain Manor Nursing Home today! Come on Wildcats let’s spread Christmas Joy by giving!

ATTENTION Highland Wildcats!!! PLEASE join us for our Wildcat Christmas drive through at Highland Elementary on Thursday, December 17th from 6:00-8:00. Come see SANTA, the GRINCH and our very own Highland WILDCAT. Enjoy hot chocolate and cookies. View our Christmas tree displays with ornaments made by the students. Try to find our Santa on the roof!! Receive a Christmas stocking with a gift from the Highland family. You won't have to leave the warmth and safety of your car to enjoy this event....items will be given to you at your car window!!! We hope to see you there!!!!

First Graders took a ride on the Polar Express. Students had fun participating in a scavenger hunt, wearing their favorite pajamas, and writing about a magical journey. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mhMEWzcMiY8&feature=youtu.be

The Highland Elementary 4th graders carried on the string art Christmas tradition...virtually! Thank you to Becky Grace for once again guiding the students through their projects. Check out this sneak peek!

You never know who may sneak into your google meet. The Grinch wondered in searching for Max. He found a bunch of First Grade Grinches reviewing place value and participating in a guided drawing. It was a green sort of day! https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=szOIG0Qx-oM

You never know who may sneak into your google meet. Grinch ventured in searching for Max. He didn’t find Max but he found a bunch of fist grade Grinches reviewing place value and participating in a guided drawing. It was a green sort of day!

WE NEED YOUR HELP! This is a reminder that the Highland Elementary Community is currently accepting donations for the residents at Mountain Manor. There is a drop box for items in front of the school. The items are needed by December 16th in order to sanitize and prepare bags for the residents. PLEASE take a moment to read the list of items and consider donating something if you can.

Highland Elementary Unite Club members and friends created tie quilts for the residents of Mountain Manor.

Don’t forget to drop your nursing home donations off at school this week. We are so excited to help others during this season of giving. #WILDCATSSHOWINGLOVEBYGIVING

We are SO proud of our 6th grade Academic Team for representing our school at 6th Grade Showcase today! HES was the Overall & Quick Recall Runners-Up. Individual placements: math- Corbin Burt 4th, Caydon Kelsey 5th; science- Eli Akhalghi 1st; social studies- Eli Akhlaghi 2nd, Grace Lester 5th; language arts- Grace Lester 2nd, Carter Stephens 5th, and Mia Estep 6th, composition Mia Estep 2nd, Carter Stephens 3rd, Marlee Crace 5th. #proudtobeawildcat #hesstudentscandovirtuallyanything

First grade students had a visit from Betsy Baker today. She helped the students learn sequencing and following directions as they made gingerbread cookies. Students made a plan to keep the gingerbread boy on the pan instead of running away. Using icing as glue really worked. Students finished their meet with a guided drawing of a gingerbread house. #learningthevirtualway #gingerbreadboy

We are ready for your donations for the nursing home to start being dropped off. The table is in the front of the building. Let’s start filling up the totes and teach our kids about the joy of helping others and giving!

Highland Wildcats we are asking for your help in making Christmas better for the elderly at the Mountain Manor Nursing Home. Attached you will find a flyer with information on how you can make this happen. Let’s celebrate the season of giving and show the residents at Mountain Manor love during this difficult time.