Mrs. Estep’s 4th grade classes enjoyed a game of Kahoot to review the weekly story comprehension and vocabulary. It was fun, friendly competition!

6th grade students discussed Patriot Day and completed a special flag and yellow ribbon to commemorate that day.

In library class, these Kindergarten students listened to a story about Johnny Appleseed and created their own apple tree for our Highland orchard.

3rd Graders are working hard with properties of addition card sort. They made it look easy!

3rd Graders are working hard with properties of addition card sort. They made it look easy!

3rd Graders are working hard with properties of addition card sort. They made it look easy!

3rd Graders are working hard with properties of addition card sort. They made it look easy!

Johnson County flag football canceled due to weather.

Flag football for tonight, Sept 8th is canceled due to weather.

Parents and Guardians,
This link will take you to this year's Highland Elementary Family Resource Center Needs Assessment Survey. The information you provide helps us plan services, programs and activities for our students. Thank you for taking a minute and helping out our Family Resource Center!
Kind regards,
Kathleen Burchett, FRC Coordinator

Mrs. Montgomery's kindergarten class finished out the week by showing all of the letters, numbers, sight words, and spelling words they had learned. All of their hard work this week earned them another Fun Friday! They listened to Mrs. Montgomery read "We're Going on a Bear Hunt", they went on their very own bear hunt outside (Thanks, Mr. Ousley for using some of your planning time to be our bear!), then they made a delicious bear cave food craft. It was a great day in kindergarten! Speaking and listening skills are definitely getting stronger based on our activities today. ☺️

HES 4th graders wrapped up a science & language arts unit about natural disasters and changes on land. Students read a variety of texts, worked in small groups to prepare teaching posters for their peers, created structures of homes that would withstand natural disasters, and plotted volcano locations on maps to see if KY was at risk. Shout out to these awesome kids! 💙

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SLB_nopXScY&feature=youtu.be Check out the STREAM Lab weekly video. Lots of exploration going on inside the lab!

Great day of learning today at Highland Elementary 💙🤍.

Jackie’s Gymnastics starts this Friday!!! There is a 30.00 registration fee and the classes are 10.00 per week.
Fridays in the cafeteria at 3:00. (Starts today)
If your child plans on staying, please write a note to the teacher.

Students in Mrs. Ramey’s math class play rounding football and place value playoff, show leadership as student teaching assistants, and sign up for teacher conferences as needed while working through their self-paced place value unit.

During STREAM second graders learned to build and code lego robotics while fifth graders developed arcade games using Bloxels. #handsonlearning

Jackie’s Gymnastics starts this Friday!!! There is a 20.00 registration fee and the classes are 10.00 per week.
Fridays in the cafeteria at 3:00

Fourth graders understand that mindset matters! Click on the link to watch. https://youtu.be/SSGQr2859jE