https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u3iP3ykRVTQ&feature=youtu.be A day in the STREAM Lab! #handsonlearning #learningbydoing

Highland 4th graders wrapped up a week of learning about both community service and properties of rocks with a little artwork. Each student painted a rock in order to help add a special touch of color to our school’s landscaping!

Mrs. Bevins classroom had a fun and engaging STEM lesson creating Goldilocks a bed while comparing and contrasting two books about Goldilocks. They did an amazing job and had lots of fun!

Mrs. Bevins classroom had a fun and engaging STEM lesson creating Goldilocks a bed while comparing and contrasting two books about Goldilocks. They did an amazing job and had lots of fun!

Congratulations to Mrs. Bayes for receiving the Modern Classrooms Project Screencastify Scholarship and a one year Screencastify membership. Mrs. Bayes will redesign her classroom while completing the MCP Virtual Mentorship Program.

Congratulations Braxton Duncan for earning a Citizenship Award. Braxton was ahead of pace in his math unit, so he volunteered to be a student teaching assistant and help others relate the standard algorithm for subtraction to base 10 blocks. Way to go, Braxton!

Mrs. Estep’s 4th grade language arts students practiced using context clues to find the meanings for idioms during this interactive game of Scoot. They really showed what “smart cookies” they were today!

Video: https://youtu.be/DI_KksxsduU
Fourth grade students showed amazing leadership skills leading their conferences. They shared mission statements, goals, progress data, reflections & celebrations. Special thanks to their grown ups for documenting this excellence with a photo.

Mrs. Salyer’s 5th graders used a hands-on approach with volume. They related their builds to the volume formula.

Delicious!!!!!!! 🤤

Hot Fresh Donuts are READY! Come on out and support Highland PTO while attending Parent Teacher Conferences! As always, we truly appreciate your support.

Some of Mrs. Ramey’s fourth graders collaborated to complete boom cards adding three addends. Others worked in the collaboration corner to find the missing digits of addends. Students celebrate mastery each day on their unit game board progress tracker. We love math!

Some of Mrs. Ramey’s fourth graders collaborated to complete boom cards adding three addends. Others worked in the collaboration corner to find the missing digits of addends. Students celebrate mastery each day on their unit game board progress tracker. We love math!

Some of Mrs. Ramey’s fourth graders collaborated to complete boom cards adding three addends. Others worked in the collaboration corner to find the missing digits of addends. Students celebrate mastery each day on their unit game board progress tracker. We love math!

Some of Mrs. Ramey’s fourth graders collaborated to complete boom cards adding three addends. Others worked in the collaboration corner to find the missing digits of addends. Students celebrate mastery each day on their unit game board progress tracker. We love math!

Fourth graders are tracking their progress by adding data to their leadership notebooks. They will use these leadership notebooks to conference with parents this evening. We are so proud of these students for taking ownership of their learning!

Wildcats participate in International Dot Day today. Students used their imagination to create an abstract dot. #internationaldotday #togetherwewin #handsonlearning

Check out the whole group and small group instruction going on at Highland Elementary today!! This place is magical!! 💙🤍

Mrs. Blanton’s first graders practiced their reading skills while learning to use the green screen during STREAM Lab.

Find a way to safely meet and discuss your child's progress during our first parent teacher conference night (Wednesday, September 15th). We are offering a variety of methods, and hope you can find an option that works for you and your family. You can email your child's teacher if you have questions. All staff email address are on our school webpage.