From hay rides to apple tasting and rock walls to clubs, 6th graders had, "The Best Day Ever!"

Good luck to our school wide Apple Day winners!

Highland Harvest Day is planned and ready!!!

Mrs. Bridgette McClure treated the 4th graders with some yummy Wildcat Paws to kick off the Apple Day festivities!

Mrs. Bevins' class had a wonderful time yesterday at the White Oak Pumpkin Patch!

Mrs. Estep's class has LEVELED-UP in the lunchroom!!! We are so proud of their excellent behavior in the cafeteria! 🐾

The Highland students were very excited to meet Johnny Appleseed.

Mrs. Bevins' class had a great day on Friday. A visit from Johnny Appleseed and a fun Friday leaf activity. It was a wonderful day!!

3rd grade students worked together to review the personal narrative writings of their classmates.

4th grade Language Arts groups worked in small groups to find the main idea and supporting details of various passages today!

Mrs. Bevins class won the lunchroom belt for the first time today!! Awesome job to these students! ❤️

Mrs. Wheeler's 4th graders made observations using their senses in class today. Engagement was definitely elevated today!!!

Mrs. Adkins' class enjoyed a blue raspberry slushy as a reward for leveling up on the lunchroom competition.

Shout-out to these 4th graders--Lucas, Sakura, Bentley, Stanley, and Easton! They are the first to reach their 9 weeks AR Goal! And an extra 👏to Sakura for also meeting the 2nd 9 weeks Goal!

Mrs. Estep's class was excited to win the Lunchroom Belt once again! We are so close to leveling up with the lunchroom rewards!

Ms. Bryant's class worked hard in class learning how to make words plural. Nice job!!

Mrs. Bevins' class presented their leaf collection projects. They did an outstanding job identifying leaves and presenting in front of their classmates.

Annual apple tasting!!!

Ms. Greene's class learned about singular and plural nouns this morning using an interactive PowerPoint.

Mrs. Adkins' 2nd grade students used the Kagan structure Mix-Pair-Share to share their personal narrative with classmates.