Our chefs prepared some gummy worm dirt pudding for Halloween 🎃 I love our school!!


It was a little spooky and a lot of fun in Mrs. Adams' class today! 👻🎃🧟

Ms. Bryant’s class had such a fun week! They learned how to make witches’ brew, got cozy in their PJs on pajama day, and celebrated the 50th day of school and Halloween!🎃

Happy Halloween from Mrs. Estep & her class! 🎃

Students in Mrs. Bayes' 5th grade science class are having so much fun learning about constellations. Student collaborated to create constellation posters.

Let's show up tonight and cheer on our Wildcat Football team!!!

4th grade student teacher, Miss Belcher, teaches a fun lesson about plural nouns using Nearpod!

Fall sports pictures will be Thursday, October 26th! This includes girls basketball and football.

The UPIKE Bears read to Mrs. Bevins' classroom today. The kids loved them coming to read. They even had them make their scariest faces to go along with the books they read them.

The UPIKE Bears showed up today to read to our classes! We love our Bears 🐻!!

We are now taking hoodie donations. Please check out the flyer for more information.

Boys Basketball (Grades 4-6) Open Gym information, please share! If your child plans on staying, he must have a sports physical and a note from parent/guardian to stay after school.

We look forward to seeing all of our Wildcat Families during the Pumpkin Drive Through!

Christmas is just around the corner! If you would like to sponsor a student, please contact Mrs. Sheila Knipp-Ratliff at 606-297-3674.

Wishing good luck to our Lady Wildcat team!!! You make us proud!

Second grade had a great time on our field trip to Camp Nathanael.

Our Student Lighthouse Team stepped up as leaders today. They helped serve tasty apple treats to grades K-3 and organized the club set up in the gym.

From hay rides to apple tasting and rock walls to clubs, 6th graders had, "The Best Day Ever!"

Good luck to our school wide Apple Day winners!