The second grade classes had a great day at Camp Nathanael where they learned about the insects and animals.
over 5 years ago, Megan Adkins
Students at Camp Nathanael
Students at Camp Nathanael
Highland Spirit Week - Sept. 30 - Oct. 3
over 5 years ago, Kathleen Burchett
Spirit Week
Great morning at the Reading to Achieve Conference in Louisville, KY. Harry Potter theme is fantastic!
over 5 years ago, Brenton Dials
Highland B Head Start learning about shapes and the different things you can make with them!
over 5 years ago, Joyce Meadows
Elijah making a shape face!
Zachary making shapes in shaving cream!
Emily making a shape face!
Kennedy making shapes in shaving cream!
This @LeaderInMe Highland Elementary classroom is developing leadership, speaking, and grammar skills. Check out this Flipgrid from Mrs. McClure's 3rd grade titled, "Welcome Autumn." We are so proud of this student for going the extra mile.
over 5 years ago, Highland Elementary
Leader In Me
Wildcats participated in National Dot Day September 15th. Love how this turned out. #handsonlearning #studentengagement #wildcatpride
over 5 years ago, Latonya Rowe
National Dot Day
Wildcat Family encourage your child or children to “Be Proactive” and to “Begin With the End in Mind”. Help our classroom teachers by using the Seven Habits language at home. Click on the link below for more information. Thank you for your support throughout the school year! #leaderinme #homeconnection #sevenhabits
over 5 years ago, Latonya Rowe
Seven Habits
Highland Teacher Lighthouse Team planning for a great year! #leaderinme #wildcatpride
over 5 years ago, Latonya Rowe
Leader in Me Lighthouse Team
Apple Day Art by Wildcat students!
over 5 years ago, Latonya Rowe
Apple Day Art
Mrs. Raina May's class learning about Habit 6: Synergize. Students read a story and enjoyed working together to design their favorite character. These @LeaderInMe students are having fun while learning! #littlebluenation19 @RainaMay3 @Coachmfannin
over 5 years ago, Highland Elementary
Favorite Characters
Favorite Characters
Favorite Characters
Favorite Characters
Mrs. Ousley’s room is growing the leaders in us! Leader in Me Fun Friday
over 5 years ago, Tracy Ousley
Leader In Me Tree
Fourth graders lead group discussions about addition error analysis task cards.
over 5 years ago, Melanie Ramey
Another day of learn in Highland Head Start B! We learned about colors this week so we experimented with markers and water to make a color rainbow!
over 5 years ago, Joyce Meadows
Emily proudly showing off her color rainbow!
Luca adding water to make his rainbow!
Emily coloring her coffee filter!
Luca coloring his coffee filter!
The fourth grade class had a great Conservation Day where they learned about fish and wildlife, forestry, soil, reptiles, and dairy farms.
over 5 years ago, Melanie Ramey
Mrs. Ousley’s class had a wonderful time exploring the public library on our first field! --
over 5 years ago, Tracy Ousley
An exciting day of learning today! From blow art to measuring to building a ramp! Learnings fun in Head Start!
over 5 years ago, Joyce Meadows
Luca learning which is longer a foot or 6 caterpillars!
Eli working with paint doing Blow Art!
Annabell building a ramp for her car!
Oden putting objects in a tube to see how much it will hold!
Mrs. May's 2nd grade students did fantastic work completing and presenting a research project on an insect of their choice. #littlebluenation19
over 5 years ago, Highland Elementary
Grandparent and Relative Support Group Meeting next Wednesday, Sept. 18. 11:00am - 1:00pm @ Johnson Co. Public Library, please share.
over 5 years ago, Kathleen Burchett
Superintendent Cochran and Jeff Hawkins, from KVEC visited the Wildcat STEAM Lab today. Students were quick to share activities and offer assistance with the required tasks. #handsonlearning #studentengagement #studentsasteachers
over 5 years ago, Latonya Rowe
New students in the STEAM Lab.
Wildcat STEAM Lab and Conferences! Hands on learning and student engagement!
over 5 years ago, Latonya Rowe
Marble mazes and circuits!