The first annual Highland Elementary Parade of students was a success!

We are truly blessed to have such dedicated administrators leading our staff and students. Wishing them a very Merry Christmas!

Highland UNITE students made Christmas cards for the local nursing home.

The date on the Highland Nursing Home donations has been extended to Friday, December 17th. You can drop your donations in the drop box in the front of the school.

Mrs. Bayes’ homeroom enjoyed their day dressing as their favorite Christmas movie character. It was a fun filled day!

Mrs. Adams’ 3rd grade class enjoyed dressing as characters from their favorite Christmas movie.

See if you can identify some of our favorite holiday movie characters!

Sixth Graders held a Mouse Bot Competition today during STREAM #codingiskey

Ms McCoy’s second grade class designed Santa a new sleigh complete with a seat warmer and hot chocolate maker. Lots of learning in the STREAM Lab!

Highland Wildcat Lighthouse Team participated in a google meet with Porter Panther’s Lighthouse Team to discuss some upcoming activities planned at Highland. Special thanks to Porter for all the wonderful tips and information.

After reading Mr Willowby’s Christmas Tree Mrs. Bevins’ students built their own tall Christmas tree in the STREAM Lab

6th grade students are working hard and dividing tasks to create their float for the Christmas parade on Friday!

Students in Mrs. Bayes’ 3rd grade science class experimented with Santa’s milk. They created a hypothesis and conducted their testing.

Santa Needs a new sleigh! Lots of choices from 4th and 5th graders. Created during STREAM Lab. #handsonlearning

Ugly Sweater Day with second grade in the STREAM Lab. #wildcatway

Santa letters and gingerbread houses in the STREAM Lab. Thank you Janet Taylor for the donation of houses. #handsonlearning #wildcatway

For the week of 12/13-12/17

Mrs. Montgomery's kindergarten students are taking full advantage of their class sand trays provided by the Steele Reese Foundation Grant. Here they are doing some kinesthetic/auditory drills. After we finished, several students used their 2 minutes of "free play" to write CVC and sight words.

Mrs. Estep’s 4th graders were proactive in meeting their end-of-year AR goal in December!! They celebrated on Friday with some DQ treats!!!

Third grade students from Mrs. Adams’ homeroom met their wildly important goal by increasing their math fact fluency class average by another 10%. They chose to celebrate with hot chocolate, a movie, cookies and a very comfy pajama day. Way to go to these Wildcats!