Mrs May’s first graders used movement and music to practice counting to 100. #wildcatfamily #movingtothebeat #countingto100
over 2 years ago, Latonya Rowe
Brain Break
Students in Mrs Dennison’s kindergarten class listened to the story “What About Bear” and finished the activity with comprehension questions.
over 2 years ago, Latonya Rowe
Kindergarten Learning
Mrs. Green’s 2nd graders are as sweet as pumpkin pie! They had a great time making slices of pie to decorate for fall!
over 2 years ago, Shana Green
5th Grade used Alphaboxes to recall important concepts and terms for our Colonial Unit Review
over 2 years ago, Lace Patton
social studies
social studies
social studies
social studies
3rd Grade is learning about Primary and Secondary sources and how they help us analyze documents like a historian.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Conner
Grace Nelson visited HES with a lesson about healthy choices. Her lesson was called Rethink Your Drink. Students learned about the effects of too much sugar in their diet . She is a representative for Community Engagement through Anthem Medicaid. Thank you Ms. Nelson!!
over 2 years ago, Claudette Fairchild
Students in Mrs. Bevins class have been working on the Commutative property in math this week. So we completed a Write the Room so we could practice flip flopping our equations. Learning is so much fun!
over 2 years ago, Melissa Bevins
Write the room
Write the Room
Students in Mrs. Green’s 2nd grade class did a deep breathing brain break to wind down after a busy morning of reading!
over 2 years ago, Shana Green
Mrs Blanton’s Kindergarten class become explorers today looking for their numbers 0-5!
over 2 years ago, Kaylynn Blanton
Mrs Blantons Kindergarten class became explorers today looking for their numbers 0-5!
Paisley Slone was the first in Mrs. Adkins’ 2nd grade class to earn her first nine weeks AR goal. Keep up the great work!
over 2 years ago, Megan Adkins
Girl eating ice cream
1st Grade has started a Karate addition challenge. Students move up in belts as they learn math facts. Mrs. Bevins class has 11 students that have moved up from a white belt to a yellow belt. Congratulations to all our new yellow belt students.
over 2 years ago, Melissa Bevins
All our yellow belts
Yellow Belts
Two of our wildcats presenting the Highland Wildcat Lunchroom Belt as part of their Leader in Me job. #leaderinme #lunchroombelt #wildcatemployee
over 2 years ago, Latonya Rowe
Wildcat Belt
Students in Mrs. Green’s class took turns sorting words by their initial blends.
over 2 years ago, Shana Green
Mrs. Adkins 2nd grade class enjoyed sitting at the special seats today for lunch, as a reward for winning the belt last Friday.
over 2 years ago, Megan Adkins
Second grade students
Highland will be having a Blood Drive Wednesday, September 14th. Please take a moment to stop by and donate. #wildcatfamily #giving #savealife
over 2 years ago, Latonya Rowe
Blood Drive
Our school wide project this year is to keep our Blessing Box stocked each month with much needed items for families. Please check the flyer for needed items for each grade. Let's work together to make a difference in our community. #wildcatfamily #blessing box #workingtogether
over 2 years ago, Latonya Rowe
Blessing Box Donations
THANK YOU to the Highland Car Detail Club. Loved getting in to a CLEAN car after school today.
over 2 years ago, Tomika Goble
clean car
clean car
JC Tech Team welcomed new Help Desk members during Highland Elementary's Club Day. Members took a tour of the campus learning about networking and wireless access points!
over 2 years ago, Johnson County School District
Don’t forget!
over 2 years ago, Latonya Rowe
Special Snack
Mrs Blantons class worked hard today during our Daily 5 Rotations!
over 2 years ago, Kaylynn Blanton
Mrs Blantons class worked hard today during our Daily 5 Rotations!