5th Grade enjoyed the Daniel Boone Chautauqua Program at the SIPP

When you introduce a new skill review application, you know it is a keeper when you see these 6th graders so engaged and begging for more. #mathrocks

Highland Choir members are so excited to perform Tuesday night at the Mountain Arts Center. Choir members need to be at the MAC no later than 6:15 and report to the holding room with Mrs. Fairchild and Mrs. O'Bryan. The Elementary Christmas Concert begins at 7:00.

The Student Lighthouse Team created ornaments for a Derby themed tree for the Festival of Trees & Trains - Paramount in Ashland. #festivaloftrees #teamwork #wildcatfamily

The Welcome Wagon welcomed Veterans to the Veterans Day student led program.

The Welcome Wagon project by Jaxton Marshall and Dixie Branham have been busy introducing new students to our Highland family.

Some of our Highland Wildcats are participating in Rainbow Fish the Musical at the Sipp Theatre the 18th and 19th. Plan to attend one of the shows!

The HES Blessing Box is packed for any weekend needs. 💗

So proud of this little class! They exhibit excellent behavior in the cafeteria over and over again!

Congratulations to the Highland Elementary 6th grade academic team!! They won one game of quick recall today and had quite a few written placements. So proud of these great kids!!

Nice lesson today by Mr. Ousley! His 3rd grade students demonstrated dividing whole numbers by partitioning groups of M&M's into equal shares!

Always "horsing" around! We love you Mr. Patrick!

Come and join us for a Veterans Day Celebration

Super proud of these girls! A and B team both with wins tonight! You all rocked the court!

November 7th -11th Breakfast and Lunch Menu

Mrs. Green’s 2nd grade class had so much fun telling time while playing Kahoot!

Student Led Veterans Day Program

6th Grade Football plays this Saturday in the STATE FINALS!!

Christmas Choir Students

5th Graders filled the Blessing Box today!