Students are excited about pumpkin carving for our Pumpkin Drive Through scheduled for later in October. Please send $3 with your child to school no later than October 4th. Thank you for always supporting our Highland Wildcats!

Calling all flag football , tackle football, and girls basketball team members! Check out the community pep rally info! Please Share!!

Monday, September 25th is Picture Day!

The Book Fair is coming to Highland Elementary September18th-22nd.

This week Mrs. Adkins' second graders tasted a variety of apples and then created bar graphs and pictographs of our favorite kind of apple.

Highland would like to welcome Mrs. Sheila Knipp-Ratliff to our team! She is our new FRYSC director. Please reach out if you need anything. She would be glad to help!

We invite guardians/caregivers to a support group luncheon.

FSCS Mentors are doing a fantastic job engaging students in a variety of reading activities.

5th graders worked with their teams to read and summarize a text. Then they presented their summaries to the class. They demonstrated fabulous team work and effort!

Donuts $1.00 each tomorrow in the gym!
Help support our 1st grade! ❤️

2nd graders practiced their spelling words using Play-Doh today in Ms. Bryant’s class!

After participating in the 9/11 museum digital learning experience, 4th graders were given stem materials to build their own 9/11 memorial. 💙❤️

Tomorrow is Dollar Donut Day! Help support our GirlTalk club and get a delicious treat, too!

Highland UNITE and FRYSC would like to thank representatives from the Paintsville Fire Department, Johnson County Sheriff's Office, and the Oil Springs Fire Department for visiting today. Our visitors received a warm welcome and several thank you letters from the students.

Second grade students have been working to find key details in a text.

Happy Grandparent's Day from Mrs. Adkins' class.

Happy Grandparents Day from Mrs. Bevins' room!!!!

Mrs. Estep's classes made a real-world connection with their weekly story, "Rosa's Garden" by designing a "Highland Garden" on Jamboard. They also practiced spelling words by playing "Quiz, Quiz, Trade." #LearningIsFun #HESIsBest #4thGradeRocks

Ms. Bryant’s class was so excited to win the lunchroom belt today!

Mrs. Bayes' 5th grade science students working hard on writing scientific explanations. They paired with a partner to determine if their explanations met all components of their rubric.