Thank to Mr. Hutchison for serving in our community and Johnson County Schools! Today we celebrate YOU!
Highland Elementary’s Warming Warriors passed out groceries to 85 families at the Paintsville First Church of God Food Pantry. This CmPS team is sustaining the impoverished, one life at a time.
Feb. 2018 Newsletter
It’s with great pleasure that Highland Elementary would like to congratulate Mrs. Latonya Rowe on being selected by the Kentucky Council of Teachers of English Board as ELEMENTARY TEACHER OF THE YEAR! Congratulations to Mrs. Rowe, it is well deserved!
Be sure to check out the Warming Warriors Story this evening at 6:00 on WYMT! So proud of these students and their work. They discovered a problem within our community and they are working hard to help! Thank you to the CMPS Team and Mrs. Hall for all your work!
New cafeteria tables at Highland Elementary! Love the way the school district strives to provide our students with the very best. A special thank you to Superintendent Thom Cochran and Director of Nutrition Services Marsha Coleman for making this happen! Can’t wait for the kids to see these!
Highland Elementary’s Warming Warriors have set up a coat rack to share coats with anyone in need. Stop by the Coffee House and take what you need: coat, scarf, hat, gloves, boots or blanket. If you have something to share, please feel free to leave it!!
Congratulations Mrs.O’Bryan on receiving the Southeast Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Educational Grant!
Highland Elementary’s CmPS Team, “Warming Warriors,” spent their weekend preparing emergency food boxes and blessing bags, as well as collecting coats, gloves, hats, scarves, blankets, socks, and hot hands. Warming Warriors then distributed the warm items to those less fortunate. We have a mission field right here at home!! Together, we can make a difference!!!
#Eagles4Life #WarmingWarriors #JCEaglePride #CmPS
A huge shoutout to all the kids, parents, staff, and volunteers for hanging in there on a long day of Speech & Drama. Julie & Josie Dials finished 7th place in Improv Duo. Also, OUR TEAM placed 6th place OVERALL! We are so proud of these kids! It’s a good day to be a Wildcat!!!
Good luck to HES Speech & Drama Team today as they compete in the Oz Invitational Tournament!
Mrs. Young, student teacher, teaches 4th graders to solve multi-step word problems with collaborative learning & the mnemonic device CUBES.
Highland Elementary would like to recognize and congratulate Mrs. Melanie Ramey for being a finalist for the KY Presidential Award for excellence in mathematics and science teaching!
Father/Son - Mother/ Daughter Dance @ JCHS
Highland Elementary would like to congratulate Amanda O’Bryan on being a recipient for one of this year’s Southeast Kentucky Chamber’s Excellence in Education Grant!
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Congratulations to Highland 4th/5th Grade Academic Team!
Science - Gabe Howell, 1st place
Elijah Pelton, 4th place
Social Studies - Gabe Howell, 1st place
Gabe Conley, 2nd place
Elijah Pelton, 3rd place
Math - Gabe Conley, 1st place
Josie Dials, 3rd place
Keylee Blair. 4th place
Language Arts - Emily Ravenscraft, 4th place
Quick Recall Team had a win against Central Elementary. We're proud of our Wildcats!
Just a reminder:
Progress reports will be sent home today, as well as Verification Reports. These reports help us to update any personal contact information. Please take a look and correct any information that is out of date. Please sign and return even if all information is correct. Thank you so much, have a great weekend!
Please join our new Twitter account @HighlandWildcats