Attention Eagles! Due to the 4th of July holiday, this week's Thursday meal pickups will take place today at their usual location and time. Thank you and have a safe and happy Independence Day! 🇺🇸
8 months ago, Johnson County School District
Johnson County Schools honors the life of Harry Kennard, who passed away on June 10th. A Time of Reflection will be held on Saturday, June 15th, from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Jones-Preston Funeral Home. Harry faithfully served the children of Flat Gap as a school bus driver for 20 years. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
9 months ago, Johnson County School District
Calling all teachers, principals, and administrators! Join us at Eastern Kentucky TeachMeet 2024 on July 16th to share and discover innovative educational practices.
9 months ago, Johnson County School District
150 Strong and counting…Great Day 2 at the 2024 Eagle Hoops Camp!
9 months ago, Monica Daniel
camp day 2
CAMP Starts tomorrow!!!
9 months ago, Monica Daniel
Make plans to attend!!!
10 months ago, Monica Daniel
Due to Election Day, Johnson County School District will be closed on Tuesday, May 21st. Classes will resume as scheduled on Wednesday, May 22nd. The last day of school for students is Thursday, May 23rd.
10 months ago, Johnson County School District
No School
These 8th Graders did a great job presenting their Learning Portraits to our local Kiwanis Club!
10 months ago, Heather Butcher
Sign up now!!!
10 months ago, Monica Daniel
camp flyer
You are formally invited to attend the Johnson County Spring Band Concert! Students from Johnson Central High School and Johnson County Middle School will be showcasing their hard work and talent for all to enjoy. We look forward to seeing you there!
10 months ago, Johnson County School District
Spring Concert
This Administrative Assistants Day, we at Johnson County School District want to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to all our administrative assistants. Your dedication, organization, and hard work make our schools a better place for students and staff daily!
11 months ago, Johnson County School District
Get your car washed for prom and support the Golden Eagle Marching Band as they get ready to march in the National Memorial Day Parade in Washington DC!
11 months ago, Johnson County School District
A huge thanks to the Johnson County Transportation Department, our bus drivers, and monitors for ensuring our students’ safe travel! Special shout-out to our Transportation Director, Darren Gamble, for his outstanding leadership.
11 months ago, Johnson County School District
JCMS and JCHS are on a soft lockdown out of an abundance of caution due to a shoplifter fleeing from police officers in the area. School will dismiss on time with additional supervision. Thanks to the Johnson County Sheriff's Department for providing officials at school locations and the plaza.
11 months ago, Johnson County School District
Congratulations to Central Elementary on reaching Leader in Me 🌟Lighthouse Status! 🌟 Such a great accomplishment for CES students and staff!! 🎉🦅
11 months ago, Heather Butcher
Unlock Your Potential at Eastern KY TeachMeet 2024!
11 months ago, Johnson County School District
Eastern KY TeachMeet
Welcome back, Johnson County School District! We hope your Spring Break was relaxing. Classes resume on Tuesday, April 9th. Let's jump back in with energy and enthusiasm. We will see you all soon!
11 months ago, Johnson County School District
Welcome Back
Happy School Librarian Day! Thank you and those who support our libraries each day!
11 months ago, Johnson County School District
School Librarian Day
It is National Assistant Principals Week, April 1st-5th, and we want to extend our gratitude to our assistant principals. Thank you, from all of us at the Johnson County School District!
11 months ago, Johnson County School District
JCMS 8th Graders visited the Extension Office to collect community input on JC's Portrait of a Learner!💛🦅
11 months ago, Heather Butcher