On Monday, October 23, the Johnson County Board of Education convened for its monthly meeting. The board expressed its appreciation for the dedicated service and commitment of Brenda Crawford and Tom Robinson to the district.
The session also highlighted the accomplishments of Brandon Holbrook and Benjamin Moore, who completed the DataSeam IT apprenticeship program. During their apprenticeship, both students were employed by the school district. Through the program, they earned industry-level credentials that enhance their professional qualifications and equip them to acquire employment. They received acknowledgments from Mike Whitaker, the District Technology Coordinator, Brian Gupton, CEO of Dataseam, the board of education, family, and guests.
On the financial front, Wells & Company, Certified Public Accountants, finalized the 2023 financial audit. During the meeting, Auditor Darrell Blair presented the independent auditor's report and the financial statements. He confirmed that the financial documents accurately represent the financial position of all funds within the Johnson County School District, indicating a successful audit. For the past year, the district reported revenues of $35.3 million and expenditures of $34.1 million in the general fund, leading to an ending balance of $7.1 million. Mr. Blair also took the opportunity to commend the Johnson County Board and the district's administration for their responsible management and improvement of the district's financial position over the year.